Spring returns to the earth, and all things revive. In this wonderful season, birds also encounter their busiest and most exciting time of the year.
The Return of Migratory Birds
Spring is the time when many migratory birds begin their long trips. To find better places to breed and more food, they fly north from southern wintering areas. They travel over mountains, rivers, deserts, and oceans, covering thousands of kilometers to reach their destinations.
Take swallows as an example. They spend winter in warm southern regions. When spring comes, temperatures rise and more insects appear, swallows fly back north in groups. They follow the same routes year after year, stopping at familiar rest spots to eat and regain energy before continuing. After this long journey, they return to their northern homes to build nests and raise chicks. Many other birds also migrate in spring. Geese fly in organized V-shaped or straight-line formations during their travels. These patterns help reduce wind resistance and save energy. A lead goose guides the group, and when it tires, another goose takes over the front position while the tired one moves to the back of the formation.

Geese’s V-shaped and Straight-line Formations
At this time, you can install a bird feeder in your courtyard to support returning migratory birds with energy-rich food. To prepare, fill the feeder with nutritious options like black-oil sunflower seeds, millet, or cracked corn—these are high in fats and proteins to help birds refuel. You can also add small pieces of fruit (e.g. apple slices) or mealworms for species like robins or warblers.
Reli Birddy Smart Feeder GreenTough
Before setting it up, clean the feeder thoroughly with mild soap and water to prevent mold or bacteria. Place it in a quiet, sheltered spot, away from predators like cats, and refill it regularly to keep food fresh. A shallow water dish nearby can also attract birds for drinking and bathing. With these steps, you’ll create a welcoming rest stop for migrating birds and enjoy watching them through the feeder’s smart camera.
Creating Homes and Raising Families
For many birds, spring is the best season to build nests. They search for good locations to make their safe, comfortable homes – in trees, bushes, cracks in rocks, or even under the roofs of human houses.
Magpies are total pros at building nests. They’re like little construction workers, carefully picking out small branches, dry grass, and even feathers to make their nests. They weave these materials together to create a nest that’s both strong and super comfy. Their nests are usually round or egg-shaped, with a side entrance that’s perfect for keeping out rain and cold wind. When it comes to nest-building, the male magpie is the gatherer—he scours around for the best materials. The female magpie is the master builder—she puts everything together and fine-tunes the nest until it’s just right. After a few days of teamwork, they’ve got themselves a warm little home.
Magpie nest
Of course, a birdhouse can also be a warm and comfortable home for birds. You can watch the birds' activities through the app. You can also use AI to identify the birds, get to know them better, and give them the love and care they need.
Reli Birddy Smart Bird House
Love and Inheritance
Spring is a crucial time for birds to reproduce. To attract mates, many birds perform all kinds of courtship displays. They show off their beautiful feathers, sing lovely songs, and do special dance moves to impress the partners they like.
Male golden pheasants find a clear space in the forest. They then raise their bright red belly and fancy tail feathers high, like an open fan. They stand on a tree branch and make clear and pleasant calls to attract female golden pheasants. When a female bird shows up, the male bird works even harder to show off his feathers and does all kinds of dramatic actions, like nodding, shaking his tail, and jumping. Just like a theatrical performer on stage.
After courtship and mating, the male bird changes from a performer to a guard. The female bird starts to lay eggs and incubate them. During this time, bird parents take great care of their babies. From hatching to the chicks leaving the nest, every step is full of love and responsibility.
Male and Female golden pheasants
In some bird groups, besides the parents, other adult birds also help with raising the chicks. These “helpers” might be relatives of the parents or other birds that didn't breed. They all work together to help the parents find food, feed the chicks, and even guard the nest and protect the chicks from predators when the parents are away.
We can capture all these loving and cooperative moments with a camera. This way, we can watch the whole process without disturbing the bird family.
Reli Light Cam Battery D1
Conclusion: Protecting Our Feathered Friends
When we take a walk in the fields, woods, or by the lakeside in spring, we can slow down and listen carefully to the clear and pleasant bird songs. We can also watch the amazing activities of birds and enjoy the beautiful picture of them living in harmony with nature.
At the same time, we should value and protect these lovely bird friends more. Our products can create a safer and more comfortable living environment for them. We are also committed to protecting birds and providing better interaction between humans and birds. Together, we can help them fly freely and have their families on this beautiful land.
Reli Joint with Dartmoor Zoo