To reverse the declining biodiversity, conservation bodies are seeking to coordinate rewilding programs. A focused exhibition will be created, looking at species that could be reintroduced into Dartmoor.
In this proposal, the Dartmoor Zoo will add red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), Pine Martens (Martes martes), and Hazel Mouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) to its collections.
At the same time, Reli’s products, including the Birddy Smart Bird House and Birddy Smart Feeder, will also participate. We will witness this wonderful animal conservation and reintroduction.

There will be a combination of live and prerecorded videos around the “Wild Dartmoor” living exhibits. Reli will play an important role in this project. Reli’s Birddy Smart Bird House and Birddy Smart Feeder will real-time and prerecord all the videos, to the extent that they will be not only in the dens but also in nest areas of animal enclosures.
Besides, the details of interpenetration will mix live video, prerecorded videos of the animals’ behaviors in their homes, and old footage of them in the wild to show how they live and interact. Reli’s product will ensure this project runs smoothly.

Imagine watching the Red Squirrel zip through the trees with its big, bushy tail. The camera will show how it skillfully collects and hides food like acorns and nuts. On the other hand, the Hazel Dormouse moves slowly and peacefully, especially at night. The camera will quietly record its gentle search for food among leaves and branches. With Reli technology, we'll see them start their day at sunrise and sleep at midnight. These video materials will also be produced as relevant documentary-style videos on rewilding.
In this scenario, the interpretations will be more interactive. All interpretations will be written easily for 11-year-olds to understand. At the same time, Dartmoor Zoo is designing special education programs about "Wild Dartmoor" and working with universities to let students study these animals, so they can learn how to take better care of them in zoos.

Looking Forward
All offspring will be placed into a reintroduction program in the UK, all the collaborative actions will benefit animals in the future. Reli will step forward hand in hand, making the animal world a better place.
Reli Hand in Hand with Welsh Mountain Zoo
Spring: The Best Time to Set Up Bird Feeders and Nests